Design Research from a Learning Design Perspective



Chapter 3. Design Research from a Learning Design Perspective.

Koeno Gravemeijer and Paul Cobb

>  This chapter elaborates on an approach to design research that is categorized as falling within the broader category of design research that aims at: creating innovative learning ecologies in order to develop local instruction theories on the one hand, and to study the forms of learning that those learning ecologies are intended to support on the other hand.

> This approach has its roots in the history of the two authors: one has a background in socio-constructivist analysis of instruction. The socio-constructivist approach was inspired by a desire for understanding; the other has done work on realistic mathematics education (RME) that is carried out in the Netherlands. The RME approach is built because of a need for educational change.

> This chapter defines what design research is by discussing the three phases of conducting a design experiment: preparing for the experiment; experimenting in the classroom, and conducting retrospective analyses.

> This book uses an experiment on statistics to illustrate the various phases in a concrete design experiment.

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